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Univ. salud ; 26(2): C11-C18, mayo-agosto 2024. tab
Artículo en Inglés | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551956


Introduction: Primary Health Care (PHC) has acquired different meanings for different people, at specific times and places, which poses important challenges for its understanding. Objective: To analyze the meaning(s) and sense(s) of Primary/Basic Health Care in the academic views on Nursing/Health in the context of undergraduate Nursing courses offered at two public Higher Education Institutions. Materials and methods: Qualitative study with an exploratory approach. Semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis were used as data collection techniques. Results: The senses/meanings of Primary Health Care converge with the population's gateway to the health system at the first care level and with the first contact of a person with the health service. However, it is still considered as a less important service within the care network. Conclusion: Primary Health Care means a relevant possibility for Nursing/Health care through health promotion and disease prevention actions, with a commitment to respond to most of the population's health needs.

Introducción: La Atención Primaria de Salud ha adquirido diferentes significados para diversas personas, en momentos y lugares específicos, lo cual plantea importantes retos para su entendimiento. Objetivo: Analizar los significados y sentidos de la Atención Primaria de Salud desde una visión académica en Enfermería y en el contexto de cursos de pregrado en Enfermería ofrecidos en dos Instituciones Públicas de Educación Superior. Materiales y métodos: Estudio cualitativo con un enfoque exploratorio, para la recolección de datos se emplearon entrevistas semiestructuradas y análisis documental de contenidos. Resultados: Los sentidos/significados de la Atención Primaria de la Salud convergen con el ingreso de la población al sistema de salud en el primer nivel de atención y la primera experiencia de la persona con el servicio de salud. Sin embargo, dicha Atención Primaria todavía se considera un servicio de baja importancia dentro de la red asistencial. Conclusión: La Atención Primaria de Salud representa una posibilidad relevante para el cuidado de Enfermería a través de acciones de promoción de la salud y prevención de enfermedades, que debe fortalecerse para responder la mayoría de las necesidades de salud de la población.

Introdução: A Atenção Primária à Saúde tem adquirido diferentes significados para diferentes pessoas, em momentos e locais específicos, o que coloca desafios importantes para a sua compreensão. Objetivo: Analisar os sentidos e significados da Atenção Primária à Saúde na perspectiva acadêmica em Enfermagem e no contexto dos cursos de graduação em Enfermagem oferecidos em duas Instituições de Ensino Superior Públicas. Materiais e métodos: Estudo qualitativo com abordagem exploratória, utilizou-se entrevistas semiestruturadas para coleta de dados e análise de conteúdo documental. Resultados: Os sentidos/significados da Atenção Primária à Saúde convergem com a entrada da população no sistema de saúde no primeiro nível de atenção e a primeira experiência da pessoa com o serviço de saúde. Contudo, a referida Atenção Básica ainda é considerada um serviço de baixa importância dentro da rede de saúde. Conclusão: A Atenção Primária à Saúde representa uma possibilidade relevante para o cuidado de Enfermagem por meio de ações de promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças, que devem ser fortalecidas para responder à maioria das necessidades de saúde da população.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Atención Primaria de Salud , Prevención Primaria , Promoción de la Salud , Sistemas de Costos en Instituciones de Salud
Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 54740, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550249


Resumo Introdução: As ações desenvolvidas na Atenção Primária à Saúde são um dos pontos fortes de combate à tuberculose. Nesse nível de atenção, o contato contínuo do enfermeiro por meio da consulta de enfermagem permite manter relação com a população adoecida. Diante da relação enfermeiro-pessoa cuidada para o estabelecimento do vínculo e adesão ao tratamento contra tuberculose, compreende-se a importância do referencial teórico de Imogene King para estruturar a interação enfermeiro-pessoa cuidada e oferecer uma dinâmica para esse processo. Objetivo: Analisar a relação enfermeiro-pessoa afetada pela tuberculose fundamentada na Teoria do Alcance de Metas de Imogene King. Método: Estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, com 14 enfermeiros da APS, selecionadas por conveniência. A coleta de dados ocorreu de agosto a novembro de 2018, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, elaborada com base no Registro Meta-Orientado de Enfermagem de Imogene King. Os dados foram analisados de forme qualitativa pelo Software IRAMUTEQ. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética. Resultados: Após a análise, emergiram quatro classes: 1) relação estabelecida com base no acolhimento; 2) relação enfermeiro-pessoa com tuberculose e o apoio de outros profissionais e familiares; 3) relação estabelecida com vistas ao cumprimento do tratamento; e 4) relação estabelecida para enfrentamento do preconceito diante da tuberculose. Conclusão: O acolhimento, a família e o vínculo entre profissional, paciente e equipe da Atenção Primária à Saúde fortalecem o enfrentamento da doença e reforçam a adesão ao tratamento medicamentoso.

Resumen Introducción: Uno de los puntos fuertes de la lucha contra la tuberculosis son las acciones desarrolladas en la atención primaria de salud. En este nivel asistencial, el contacto continuo de las enfermerías a través de la consulta de enfermería permite mantener una relación con la población enferma. Frente a la relación enfermería-persona para el establecimiento del vínculo y la adherencia al tratamiento contra la tuberculosis, se entiende la importancia del referente teórico de Imogene King para estructurar la interacción enfermería-persona y ofrecer una dinámica para este proceso. Objetivo: Análisis de la relación entre el personal de enfermería y las personas afectadas por la tuberculosis, a partir de la teoría del logro de objetivos de Imogene King. Método: Estudio descriptivo con abordaje cualitativo, con 14 enfermeras de atención primaria de salud, seleccionadas por conveniencia. La recolección de datos ocurrió de agosto a noviembre de 2018, a través de una entrevista semiestructurada, elaborada con base en el registro meta-orientado de enfermería de Imogene King. Los datos fueron analizados cualitativamente utilizando el software IRAMUTEQ. La investigación fue aprobada por el Comité de Ética. Resultados: Después del análisis, surgieron cuatro clases: 1) relación establecida con base en la recepción, 2) relación enfermería-persona con tuberculosis y apoyo de otras personas profesionales y familiares, 3) relación establecida con miras al cumplimiento del tratamiento y 4) relación establecida para combatir los prejuicios contra la tuberculosis. Conclusión: La acogida, la familia y el vínculo entre profesional, paciente y equipo de atención primaria de salud fortalecen el afrontamiento de la enfermedad y refuerzan la adherencia al tratamiento farmacológico.

Abstract Introduction: One of the main aspects in the fight against tuberculosis are the actions developed in Primary Health Care (PHC). At this level of care, the nurse's continuous contact through the nursing consultation allows them to maintain a relationship with the sick population. Regarding the nurse-patient relationship for establishing a bond and the compliance with tuberculosis treatment, we understand the importance of Imogene King's theoretical framework for structuring the nurse-patient interaction and offering a dynamic for this process. Objective: To analyze the nurse-tuberculosis patient relationship based on Imogene King's Theory of Goal Achievement. Method: A descriptive study with a qualitative approach, with 14 PHC nurses, selected by convenience. Data were collected from August to November 2018 through semi-structured interviews based on Imogene King's Meta-Oriented Nursing Record. The data were analyzed qualitatively using the IRAMUTEQ software. The research was approved by the Ethics Committee. Results: After the analysis, four classes emerged: 1) relationship established on the basis of welcoming; 2) nurse-tuberculosis patient relationship and the support of other professionals and family members; 3) relationship established towards treatment compliance; and 4) relationship established to confront prejudice associated with tuberculosis. Conclusion: The welcoming, the family, and the bond between the professional, the patient and Primary Health Care team strengthen the coping with the disease and reinforce the compliance with the pharmacological treatment.

Humanos , Femenino , Atención Primaria de Salud , Tuberculosis/enfermería , Relaciones Enfermero-Paciente , Brasil
Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58603, Jan.-Jun. 2024. graf
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550247


Resumen Introducción: La experiencia de vivir con una enfermedad crónica no es una tarea sencilla, se requiere de herramientas que permitan aumentar el grado de conciencia para enfrentar las necesidades y superar desafíos sobre el estado de salud y enfermedad. En los últimos años, se ha instaurado el apoyo al automanejo, con la finalidad de potenciar las habilidades en personas con este tipo de afecciones. Resulta trascendental considerar como desde enfermería se puede contribuir al logro de aquello. El objetivo del presente ensayo es reflexionar acerca de la teoría de las transiciones de Meléis como paradigma de apoyo al automanejo en personas con condiciones crónicas. Desarrollo: La teoría de las transiciones de Meléis establece que las personas están en constante cambio, tal como ocurre en el proceso de transición de salud-enfermedad. Recibir el diagnóstico de una enfermedad crónica, conlleva una serie de procesos complejos para la persona, debido a la multiplicidad de variables que ello implica. La teoría de Meléis entrega lineamientos para orientar a la persona profesional de enfermería sobre elementos claves e interrelacionados, como la concepción previa de la naturaleza de la transición y sus condiciones, lo que servirá para la planificación de modalidades de intervención congruentes con las experiencias de la persona y su evaluación en el transcurso del proceso de salud y enfermedad. Conclusión: El paradigma ofrecido por Meléis puede ser considerado un enfoque clave para emprender el proceso de cuidado de enfermería tendiente a apoyar a las personas con enfermedad crónica en el logro del automanejo.

Abstract Introduction: The experience of living with a chronic disease is not a simple task, since it requires tools that allow increasing the degree of awareness to face the needs and overcome challenges about the state of health and disease. In recent years, support for self-management has been established, with the aim of enhancing the skills of people with this type of condition. It is important to consider how the nursing discipline can contribute to achieve this. The aim of this paper is to reflect on Meléis' theory of transitions as a paradigm to support self-management in people with chronic conditions. Development: Meléis' theory of transitions establishes that people are in constant change, as occurs in the health-illness transition process. Receiving the diagnosis of a chronic disease involves a series of complex processes for the person, due to the multiplicity of variables involved. Meléis' theory provides guidelines to orient the nursing professional on key and interrelated elements, such as the previous conception of the nature of the transition and its conditions, which will serve for the planning of intervention modalities congruent with the person's experiences and their evaluation in the course of the health and disease process. Conclusion: The paradigm offered by Meléis can be considered a key approach to undertake the nursing care process aimed at supporting people with chronic illness in achieving self-management.

Resumo Introdução: A experiênca de viver com uma doença crônica não é uma tarefa simple, pois requer ferramentas que permitam aumentar o nível de consciência para enfrentar as necessidades e superar desafios relativos ao estado de saúde e doença. Nos últimos anos, foi estabelecido o apoio à autogestão, com o objetivo de melhorar as habilidades das pessoas com este tipo de condições. É transcendental considerar como a disciplina de Enfermagem pode contribuir para isso. O objetivo deste ensaio é refletir sobre a teoria das transições de Meleis como paradigma de apoio à autogestão em pessoas com condições crônicas. Desenvolvimento: A teoria das transições de Meléis estabelece que as pessoas estão em constante mudança, como acontece no processo de transição saúde-doença. Receber o diagnóstico de uma doença crónica implica uma série de processos complexos para a pessoa, devido à multiplicidade de variáveis envolvidas. A teoria de Meléis fornece directrizes para orientar o profissional de enfermagem sobre elementos-chave e inter-relacionados, como a conceção prévia da natureza da transição e das suas condições, que servirão para o planeamento de modalidades de intervenção congruentes com as experiências da pessoa e a sua avaliação no decurso do processo saúde-doença. Conclusão: O paradigma oferecido por Meleis pode ser considerado uma abordagem chave para empreender o processo de cuidado de enfermagem que visa apoiar as pessoas com doenças crônicas no alcance do autogerenciamento.

Humanos , Enfermedad Crónica/psicología , Cuidado de Transición , Automanejo/métodos
Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58688, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab
Artículo en Español | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550244


Resumen Introducción: El control y la evaluación de los niveles glucémicos de pacientes en estado críticos es un desafío y una competencia del equipo de enfermería. Por lo que, determinar las consecuencias de esta durante la hospitalización es clave para evidenciar la importancia del oportuno manejo. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre la glucemia inestable (hiperglucemia e hipoglucemia), el resultado de la hospitalización y la duración de la estancia de los pacientes en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. Metodología: Estudio de cohorte prospectivo realizado con 62 pacientes a conveniencia en estado crítico entre marzo y julio de 2017. Se recogieron muestras diarias de sangre para medir la glucemia. Se evaluó la asociación de la glucemia inestable con la duración de la estancia y el resultado de la hospitalización mediante ji al cuadrado de Pearson. El valor de p<0.05 fue considerado significativo. Resultados: De las 62 personas participantes, 50 % eran hombres y 50 % mujeres. La edad media fue de 63.3 años (±21.4 años). La incidencia de glucemia inestable fue del 45.2 % y se asoció con una mayor duración de la estancia en la UCI (p<0.001) y una progresión a la muerte como resultado de la hospitalización (p=0.03). Conclusión: Entre quienes participaron, la glucemia inestable se asoció con una mayor duración de la estancia más prolongada y con progresión hacia la muerte, lo que refuerza la importancia de la actuación de enfermería para prevenir su aparición.

Resumo Introdução: O controle e avaliação dos níveis glicêmicos em pacientes críticos é um desafio e uma competência da equipe de enfermagem. Portanto, determinar as consequências da glicemia instável durante a hospitalização é chave para evidenciar a importância da gestão oportuna. Objetivo: Determinar a associação entre glicemia instável (hiperglicemia e hipoglicemia), os desfechos hospitalares e o tempo de permanência dos pacientes em uma unidade de terapia intensiva. Métodos: Um estudo de coorte prospectivo realizado com 62 pacientes a conveniência em estado crítico entre março e julho de 2017. Foram coletadas amostras diariamente de sangue para medir a glicemia. A associação entre a glicemia instável com o tempo de permanência e o desfecho da hospitalização foi avaliada pelo teste qui-quadrado de Pearson. O valor de p <0,05 foi considerado significativo. Resultados: Das 62 pessoas participantes, 50% eram homens e 50% mulheres. A idade média foi de 63,3 anos (±21,4 anos). A incidência de glicemia instável foi de 45,2% e se associou a um tempo de permanência mais prolongado na UTI (p <0,001) e uma progressão para óbito como desfecho da hospitalização (p = 0,03). Conclusão: Entre os participantes, a glicemia instável se associou a um tempo mais longo de permanência e com progressão para óbito, enfatizando a importância da actuação da equipe de enfermagem para prevenir sua ocorrência.

Abstract Introduction: The control and evaluation of glycemic levels in critically ill patients is a challenge and a responsibility of the nursing team; therefore, determining the consequences of this during hospitalization is key to demonstrate the importance of timely management. Objective: To determine the relationship between unstable glycemia (hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia), hospital length of stay, and the hospitalization outcome of patients in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Methods: A prospective cohort study conducted with 62 critically ill patients by convenience sampling between March and July 2017. Daily blood samples were collected to measure glycemia. The correlation of unstable glycemia with the hospital length of stay and the hospitalization outcome was assessed using Pearson's chi-square. A p-value <0.05 was considered significant. Results: Among the 62 patients, 50% were male and 50% were female. The mean age was 63.3 years (±21.4 years). The incidence of unstable glycemia was 45.2% and was associated with a longer ICU stay (p<0.001) and a progression to death as a hospitalization outcome (p=0.03). Conclusion: Among critically ill patients, unstable glycemia was associated with an extended hospital length of stay and a progression to death, emphasizing the importance of nursing intervention to prevent its occurrence.

Humanos , Masculino , Femenino , Persona de Mediana Edad , Anciano , Cuidados Críticos/estadística & datos numéricos , Diabetes Mellitus/enfermería , Hospitalización/estadística & datos numéricos , Hiperglucemia/enfermería
Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58546, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1550246


Resumen Introdução: A criação de guias que unificam as demandas clínicas prevalentes em consultas de enfermagem gerontológica e, das suas respectivas intervenções, se faz presente, devido a heterogeneidade das patologias emergentes no processo de envelhecimento, que irão precisar de cuidados. Objetivo: Identificar as demandas clínicas em consultas de enfermagem gerontológica e, as intervenções implementadas pelos(as) enfermeiros(as). Método: Revisão integrativa de pesquisas originais, publicadas entre 2018 e 2022, em inglês, espanhol e português, disponíveis nas bases de dados Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/LILACS/BDENF/IBECS/BVS, SciELO e Google Scholar, pelos descritores DeCS/MESH: "Idoso"; "Enfermagem no Consultório"; "Enfermagem Geriátrica" e "Geriatria". O Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention foi usado para determinar o nível de evidência da amostra final. Foram excluídos editoriais, estudos de revisão e artigos duplicados. A análise dos dados se deu pela leitura analítica e interpretativa, guiadas por um checklist. Resultados: Oito artigos foram selecionados e trouxeram demandas clínica tais como: o déficit no autocuidado para banho; autonegligência; fadiga; risco de integridade da pele prejudicada; desesperança; tristeza e depressão. As intervenções se relacionaram ao incentivo ao autocuidado; otimização dos medicamentos; estímulo a atividade física; cuidados com a pele; aconselhamento; musicoterapia e reabilitação psicossocial. Conclusão: Demandas clínicas atendidas nas consultas de enfermagem gerontológica possuem grande variação, com prevalência no domínio atividade/repouso, tais como intervenções voltadas para o tratamento e prevenção de doenças e ações visando a promoção da saúde, tendo o domínio comportamental mais expressivo.

Resumen Introducción: La creación de guías que unifiquen las demandas clínicas prevalentes en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica y sus respectivas intervenciones es necesaria, debido a la heterogeneidad de patologías emergentes en el proceso de envejecimiento que requerirán cuidados. Objetivo: Identificar las demandas clínicas en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica y las intervenciones implementadas por el personal de enfermería. Método: Revisión integrativa de investigaciones originales, publicadas entre 2018 y 2022, en inglés, español y portugués, en las bases de datos Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/LILACS/BDENF/IBECS/BVS, SciELO y Google Scholar. Se utilizaron los descriptores DeCS/MESH: "Idoso"; "Enfermagem no Consultório"; "Enfermagem Geriátrica" e "Geriatria". Para determinar el nivel de evidencia de la muestra final, se usó el Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention. Además, se excluyeron los editoriales, los estudios de revisión y los artículos duplicados. Los datos se analizaron mediante lectura analítica e interpretativa, guiada por una lista de verificación. Resultados: Se seleccionaron ocho artículos que aportaron demandas clínicas como déficit en el autocuidado para el baño, autodescuido, fatiga, riesgo integridad de la piel perjudicada; desesperanza, tristeza y depresión. Las intervenciones estaban orientadas al fomento del autocuidado, la optimización de la medicación, el fomento de la actividad física, el cuidado de la piel, el asesoramiento, la musicoterapia y la rehabilitación psicosocial. Conclusión: Las demandas clínicas atendidas en las consultas de enfermería gerontológica son muy variadas, con predominio en el dominio actividad/reposo, como intervenciones dirigidas al tratamiento y prevención de enfermedades y acciones dirigidas a la promoción de la salud, siendo más expresivo el dominio conductual.

Abstract Introduction: The creation of guidelines that unify the prevalent clinical demands from gerontological nursing consultations and their corresponding interventions are necessary due to the heterogeneity of emerging pathologies in the aging process that will require nursing care. Objective: To identify clinical demands in gerontological nursing consultations and the interventions implemented by nurses. Method: An integrative review of original research published from 2018 and 2022, in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, in Scopus, MEDLINE/PubMed, BIREME/lilacs/BDENF/IBECS/VHL, SciELO, and Google Scholar databases, using the DeCS/MESH descriptors: "Elderly", "Nursing in the Office", "Geriatric Nursing", and "Geriatrics". The Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention was used to determine the level of evidence of the final sample. Editorials, review studies, and duplicate articles were excluded. The data were analyzed by analytical and interpretative reading, guided by a checklist. Results: Eight articles were selected that showed clinical demands such as deficits in self-care for bathing, self-negligence, fatigue, risk of damaged skin integrity, hopelessness, sadness, and depression. Interventions were related to encouraging self-care, medication optimization, encouragement of exercise, skin care, counseling, music therapy, and psychosocial rehabilitation. Conclusion: There are many different clinical demands in gerontological nursing consultations, especially associated with the domain of activity/rest. These include interventions to treat and prevent diseases, and actions aimed at health promotion, in most cases associated with the behavioral domain.

Envejecimiento , Atención Dirigida al Paciente/métodos , Enfermería Geriátrica/métodos , Guía
Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58564, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermería | ID: biblio-1550245


Resumo Introdução: O acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico tem como tratamento a terapia trombolítica, aplicada ainda na fase aguda, promovendo melhora importante nas sequelas acarretadas por este agravo. Considerando a complexidade da terapia trombolítica, torna-se necessário que os enfermeiros compreendam suas competências para auxiliar no cuidado. Objetivo: Identificar evidências científicas acerca das competências do enfermeiro no cuidado a pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral elegíveis à terapia trombolítica. Metodologia: Revisão integrativa composta por seis etapas em seis etapas (elaboração da questão, busca na literatura, coleta de dados, análise, discussão e apresentação da revisão), realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase e CINAHL. A busca foi realizada entre agosto e setembro de 2022 adotando como critérios de inclusão estudos primários; gratuitos, disponíveis eletronicamente na íntegra; nos idiomas inglês, português e espanhol. Foram obtidos inicialmente 2.830 estudos, os quais passaram por uma seleção, onde foram incluídos aqueles que atendiam os critérios previamente estabelecidos. Resultados: Com base nos doze estudos incluídos nesta revisão identificaram-se competências voltadas à três atividades do cuidado: gestão do cuidado como trabalho em equipe, códigos, fluxos e protocolos, assistência ao paciente antes, durante e após a utilização da terapia trombolítica e educação em saúde para equipe, pacientes e familiares. Conclusão: Os achados desta revisão puderam evidenciar as competências do enfermeiro no cuidado aos pacientes elegíveis a terapia trombolítica, as quais perpassam diferentes áreas de atuação do enfermeiro. Para este estudo prevaleceram as competências assistências, seguida por competências gerenciais.

Resumen Introducción: El accidente cerebrovascular isquémico se trata con terapia trombolítica, aplicada incluso en la fase aguda, que promueve una mejoría significativa de las secuelas provocadas por este padecimiento. Considerando la complejidad de la terapia trombolítica, es necesario que las personas profesionales de enfermería comprendan sus competencias para ayudar en el cuidado. Objetivo: Identificar evidencias científicas sobre las competencias del personal de enfermería en el cuidado de pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular elegibles para terapia trombolítica. Metodología: Revisión integradora que consta de seis etapas (elaboración de la pregunta, búsqueda bibliográfica, recolección de datos, análisis, discusión y presentación de la revisión), realizada en las bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase y CINAHL. La búsqueda se realizó entre agosto y septiembre de 2022. Los criterio de inclusión fueron: estudios primarios, gratuito, disponible electrónicamente en su totalidad, en inglés, portugués y español. Inicialmente se obtuvieron 2830 estudios, los cuales fueron sometidos a un proceso de selección, que incluyó aquellos que cumplían con los criterios previamente establecidos. Resultados: A partir de los doce estudios incluidos en esta revisión, se identificaron competencias centradas en tres actividades asistenciales: gestión del cuidado como trabajo en equipo, códigos, flujos y protocolos, atención a pacientes antes, durante y después del uso de la terapia trombolítica y educación en salud para personal, pacientes y familias. Conclusión: Los hallazgos de esta revisión pudieron resaltar las competencias de las personas profesionales en enfermería en el cuidado de personas elegibles para terapia trombolítica, que abarcan diferentes áreas de actuación del personal de enfermería. Para este estudio, prevalecieron las habilidades asistenciales, seguidas de las competencias gerenciales.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Ischemic stroke is treated with thrombolytic therapy, applied even in the acute phase, promoting a significant improvement in the after-effects caused by this condition. Considering the complexity of thrombolytic therapy, it is necessary for nurses to understand the skills required to assist in care. Objective: To identify scientific evidence about the competencies of nurses in the care of patients with stroke who are eligible for thrombolytic therapy. Methodology: An integrative review consisting of six stages (elaboration of the question, literature review, data collection, analysis, discussion, and presentation), conducted in MEDLINE, LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, and CINAHL databases. The search was carried out between August and September 2022 using primary studies as the inclusion criteria: free of charge, fully available electronically, published in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Initially, 2.830 studies were obtained, which underwent a selection process that included only those studies that met the previously established criteria. Results: Based on the twelve studies included in this review, competencies focused on three care activities were identified: care management such as teamwork; codes; flows and protocols; patient care before, during, and after the use of thrombolytic therapy; and education health education for staff, patients, and families. Conclusion: The findings of this review highlighted the nurses' competencies in the care of patients eligible for thrombolytic therapy, which encompass different areas of the nurse's work. For this study, assistance competencies prevailed, followed by management competencies.

Humanos , Terapia Trombolítica/enfermería , Accidente Cerebrovascular/enfermería , Atención de Enfermería
Child Care Health Dev ; 50(3): e13247, 2024 May.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558179


AIM: This research was conducted to evaluate the mediation effect of anxiety and life satisfaction on the relationship between Care burden and Parent Child Relationship in Turkish parents during the COVID-19 epidemic. METHODS: The research was carried out with parents (221 women and 219 men) who have children between the ages of 6-18 living in Turkey. Data were collected in June-July 2021 using the demographic data form, "Care Burden Scale," "Pervasive Anxiety Disorder-7 Test," "Satisfaction with Life Scale," and "Parent Child Relationship Scale." Path analysis was used to analyse the relationships. In this study, structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to examine the path analysis. RESULTS: It was found that the burden of care and anxiety of the parents and the parent-child conflict relationship were positively correlated and negatively correlated with the life satisfaction and parent-child closeness relationship (p < 0.05). Path model analyses revealed that the burden of care had a direct effect on anxiety and life satisfaction, and an indirect effect on the parent-child relationship, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: It shows that parents' perceptions of how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting their mental health have implications for parent and child well-being, with stronger relationships for low-income families. Anxiety and life satisfaction had a mediating effect between care burden and parent-child relationship. Given the demonstrable impact of COVID-19 on the parent-child relationship, this study may guide the planning of coping strategies and programmes focused on mental health.

COVID-19 , Masculino , Humanos , Femenino , Niño , Adolescente , COVID-19/epidemiología , Cuidadores/psicología , Pandemias , Relaciones Padres-Hijo , Padres/psicología , Ansiedad/epidemiología , Trastornos de Ansiedad , Satisfacción Personal
Cureus ; 16(2): e55181, 2024 Feb.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558590


Background  The COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for all healthcare providers. Nurses in Indian hospitals are at risk for mental health consequences of COVID-19-related stress. The study aimed to evaluate the mental health responses of Indian nurses working during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Method The study was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic from November 2020 to February 2021. Frontline nurses (n=387) working in both government and private sectors were recruited from four hospital centers across Mangalore, India. Nurses were selected based on specific inclusion criteria, including active duty within wards and intensive care units designated for COVID-19 care or suspected cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Recruitment and data collection were facilitated by medical residents using a mix of physical and electronic survey methods. Results Nurses within the private sector with low personal protective equipment (PPE) security experienced heightened anxiety. Somatic symptoms were incrementally related to mental health depending on the workplace setting; private sector staff reported greater depression symptoms compared to those in government-run hospitals. Self-efficacy buffered against depression outcomes only in nurses within the private sector working within non-COVID units. Conclusions This study's findings showed differential responses to the stress of COVID-19 based on the setting. Future studies should further explore the factors associated with such differences. Somatic symptoms can be indicators of mental health adversity. Early detection and supportive interventions need to be taken into account.

J Educ Health Promot ; 13: 72, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559476


BACKGROUND: Ostomy care nurses are responsible for the management of patients with colostomy from the time of diagnosis. Currently, most ostomy care services are provided in outpatient ostomy care centers in order to reduce patients' hospital stay and reduce hospitalization-related costs. Many different factors can affect colostomy nursing care provision in these centers. Identification of these factors can facilitate quality care provision. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This descriptive qualitative study was conducted in 2020-2021 to explore the barriers and facilitators to nursing care for patients with permanent colostomy in Tehran and Qom ostomy centers. Participants were twelve nurses with ostomy care licenses, two adult patients with permanent colostomy for at least two years, and one family caregiver of a patient with permanent colostomy purposefully selected from outpatient ostomy care centers in Iran. RESULT: Data were collected via fifteen in-depth semi-structured interviews and were analyzed using Graneheim and Lundman's conventional content analysis. The barriers and facilitators to nursing care for patients with permanent colostomy in outpatient centers came into three main categories, namely specialized capabilities of colostomy care, care continuity, and caring status in the family. CONCLUSION: These findings imply that not only nurses, but also patients, family caregivers, and referral systems can influence nursing care provision to permanent colostomy. Effective management of these factors can improve the quality of ostomy nursing care.

Risk Manag Healthc Policy ; 17: 715-725, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559872


Purpose: This study attempted to assess the perceived importance and performance of patient-safety nursing among operating room (OR) nurses and to identify the "concentrate here" level using importance-performance analysis (IPA). The goal was to identify the educational priorities of patient-safety nursing and to use it as foundational data to develop educational programs. Methods: The IPA of patient-safety nursing (infection control, patient identification, specimen management, surgical coefficient, medical equipment and supplies, high-alert medicines, and damage prevention) was surveyed online for nurses in general hospitals in Korea, and the data of 47 participants were analyzed. Differences in the importance and performance of patient-safety nursing were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank test, and IPA was conducted to identify areas on which improvement efforts should be focused. Results: Within the six areas of OR patient-safety nursing, notable differences in importance and performance were observed in infection control and surgical count areas. The IPA revealed specific items that require "concentrate here", including handwashing, checking the cleanliness and sterility of medical equipment, and conducting 5-Rights checks before administering high-alert medications. Conclusion: Regular training for OR nurses should encompass preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative infection control, as well as appropriate surgical counts. In particular, training, monitoring, feedback, and intervention should be provided on hand hygiene, sterilization maintenance, and accurate administration of high-alert medications, which are items included in "concentrate here".

Heliyon ; 10(7): e28241, 2024 Apr 15.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560242


Background: Family-Centered Care (FCC) is an approach to healthcare planning, delivery and evaluation, based on beneficial partnerships between health professionals, patients and families. FCC may be particularly relevant for families with children with intellectual disability (ID), given their needs of continuum care. Objective: To identify which components of the FCC are practiced and which health outcomes are considered effective in families with children with ID. Method: A systematic review guided by the PRISMA STATEMENT 2020 approach and the STROBE reporting guidelines was performed on specific databases through the EBSCOhost Web platform: MEDLINE with Full Text, CINAHL PLUS with Full Text, Academic Search Complete and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection. Peer-reviewed articles published in English or Portuguese languages from 2018 to September 2023 were retrieved. Methodological quality was established using the Quality Assessment Tool for Observational, Cohort and Cross-Sectional Studies - NHLBI, NIH. Results: Ten studies met the eligibility criteria and were synthetized. The results revealed nine components, reflecting the way FCC was developed: shared decision-making; family education; respect for culture; family engagement; recognition of the family's needs, characteristics and interests; specialized care support; social and emotional support; family functionality; and family seen as a unit. The health outcomes demonstrate effective gains in improving children's health through family satisfaction with health services. Also achieved psychological and social benefits, with improved family well-being and quality of life, favoring family empowerment. Conclusions: The evidence suggests that FCC components involves an effective partnership between the family and health professionals as the main key in developing care plans, as well as the experience that the family unit brings to the delivery of care. FCC approach include all family members as decision-makers, providing emotional, physical and instrumental levels of support. Health outcomes emerged in three strands; for children with ID, families and health services.

Front Public Health ; 12: 1374977, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560432


Objective: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its influencing factors among intern nursing students after the full liberalization of the COVID-19 prevention and control policy in China. Methods: Participants completed the online survey from January 14 to January 19, 2023. A demographic questionnaire, COVID-19 and internship-related questionnaire, the Fear of COVID-19 scale, the Primary Care PTSD Screen, and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale were used to conduct the online survey. Results: Of 438 participants, 88.4% tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 6 months. The prevalence of fear, resilience, and PTSD was 16.9, 15.5, and 11.2%, respectively. Direct care of COVID patients in hospital (OR = 2.084, 95%CI 1.034 ~ 4.202), the experience of occupational exposure (OR = 2.856, 95%CI 1.436 ~ 5.681), working with an experienced team (OR = 2.120, 95%CI 1.070 ~ 4.198), and fear COVID-19 (OR = 8.269, 95%CI 4.150 ~ 16.479) were significantly and positively associated with PTSD in nursing internship students. Conclusion: After COVID-19 full liberalization in China, intern nursing students still experienced pandemic-related mental distress, which can bring PTSD. Adequate support and counseling should be provided, as needed, to intern nursing students who are about to enter the workforce and have experienced severe PTSD symptoms related to COVID-19. Our findings indicated that should understand the importance of screening, formulate intervention strategies and preventive measures to address psychosocial problems, and provide coping skills training to intern nursing students.

COVID-19 , Pruebas Psicológicas , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático , Estudiantes de Enfermería , Humanos , Trastornos por Estrés Postraumático/epidemiología , Estudios Transversales , Prevalencia , COVID-19/epidemiología , China/epidemiología , Resiliencia Psicológica
Heliyon ; 10(6): e27703, 2024 Mar 30.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560667


With the growing demand for health education, enhancing nurses' ability to deliver such education is vital. This phenomenological qualitative study, employing convenience sampling, investigates pre-service nurses' experiences in simulated health education classes. The study included 32 fourth-year pre-service nurses from the Department of Nursing at a South Korean university. Between April 20 and June 30, 2022, these participants documented their perceptions of the simulated classes in self-reflection journals. The researcher utilized the phenomenological research method as proposed by Colaizzi (1978) to analyze the data. The findings suggest that simulated health education classes offer an opportunity to bolster pre-service nurses' practical knowledge, fostering their growth as nursing educators. The pre-service nurses reported gaining confidence in their roles as educators and enhancing their professionalism through these simulated classes. Therefore, as public health promotion becomes increasingly crucial and the demand for health education rises, simulated health education classes serve as a valuable adjunct to teaching methods in health education.

Palliat Med Rep ; 5(1): 127-135, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560743


Background: There is a dearth of studies evaluating the utility of reporting prognostication among nursing home (NH) residents with cancer. Objective: To study factors associated with documented less than six-month prognosis, and its relationship with end-of-life (EOL) care quality measures among residents with cancer. Methods: The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results linked with Medicare, and the Minimum Data Set databases was used to identify 20,397 NH residents in the United States with breast, colorectal, lung, pancreatic, or prostate cancer who died between July 2016 and December 2018. Of these, 2205 residents (10.8%) were documented with less than six-month prognosis upon NH admission. Main outcomes were more than one hospitalization, more than one emergency department visit, and any intensive care unit admission within the last 30 days of life as aggressive EOL care markers, as well as admission to hospice, receipt of advance care planning and palliative care, and survival. Specificity and sensitivity of prognosis were assessed using six-month mortality as the outcome. Propensity score matching adjusted for selection biases, and logistic regression examined association. Results: Specificity and sensitivity of documented less than six-month prognosis for mortality were 94.2% and 13.7%, respectively. Residents with documented less than six-month prognosis had greater odds of being admitted to hospice than those without (adjusted odds ratio: 3.27, 95% confidence interval: 2.86-3.62), and lower odds to receive aggressive EOL care. Conclusion: In this cohort study, documented less than six-month prognosis was associated with less aggressive EOL care. Despite its high specificity, however, low sensitivity limits its utility to operationalize care on a larger population of residents with terminal illness.

Infect Drug Resist ; 17: 1215-1228, 2024.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38562405


Objective: To examine the risk factors linked with occupational blood exposure (OBE) among nursing staff (NS), we pinpoint deficiencies in the compliance with policies of infection prevention and control, and assess the expenditures associated with infection prevention and control. Methods: Healthcare workers that completed an "Occupational Blood Exposure Report Form" were divided into NS (observation) group and non-NS (control) group. Univariate and multivariable analyses were conducted to compare both groups in various aspects. We also explored design patents intended to minimize occupational exposure. Results: The highest incidence of OBE was observed in the department of neurosurgery. Among NS, OBE incidence was found to be influenced by independent risk factors, such as gender, age, occupational title, work location, and incidence of sharps injuries. Protective factors against OBEs included the use of arterial blood gas needles and suture needles. Personal protective equipment (PPE) usage rates were low in both groups prior to OBEs (0.74% vs 0.00%, P > 0.05). Correct emergency management could be improved promptly by both groups following an OBE (P > 0.05). However, the observation group exhibited a higher proportion of blood expression after a sharps injury and a higher re-evaluation rate at 6 months post-exposure compared to the control group (P < 0.05). In 2018, the per capita costs of infection prevention and control for NS were the Chinese Yuan (RMB) 339.43 per individual. In response to these findings, two utility model patents have been authorized. Conclusion: The risk and protective factors related to the occurrence of OBEs were investigated in this study, suggesting that there is a need for improvement in the rate of PPE usage and the re-evaluation rate of OBEs among NS. Additionally, focused training on emergency blood expression and compliance with policies among non-NS personnel is deemed necessary.

Rev Panam Salud Publica ; 48: e25, 2024.
Artículo en Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38562958


Objective: Identify and analyze the role of nursing professionals in the development and care of adolescent health in Honduras, by analyzing the curricular content of the training provided to nursing students with respect to adolescent health, and by studying policies on adolescent health. Methods: Mixed methods study, with a sequential explanatory approach, carried out from May to July 2023 through surveys of nursing schools, analysis of policy documents, a survey with nursing professionals, and a focus group. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and qualitative data, applying the theoretical framework of Walt and Gilson. Results: During the research, 18 documents were analyzed and seven nursing schools, 141 nurses, and 10 key actors in leadership positions participated. The results point to the need to update and disseminate the regulatory framework, ensure the necessary resources and structure to implement sustainable intersectoral programs, and train professionals. Schools are an important space for the implementation of actions; in this context, the adoption of school nursing programs could be beneficial. Nurses were identified as key figures in program implementation and should be taken into consideration when developing policies aimed at adolescents. Conclusions: Nurses participate in various stages of the policy implementation process and can make important contributions to school health at the first level of care. To this end, it is necessary to increase the capacities of nurses and nursing educators in relation to current and relevant issues in adolescent care.

Objetivo: Identificar e analisar o papel dos profissionais de enfermagem no desenvolvimento e na atenção à saúde de adolescentes em Honduras por meio de análise do conteúdo da formação dos estudantes de enfermagem em saúde de adolescentes e das políticas relacionadas aos adolescentes. Métodos: Estudo de métodos mistos, com abordagem sequencial explanatória, realizado de maio a julho de 2023 por meio de um questionário aplicado a escolas de enfermagem, análise de documentos de política, um questionário aplicado a profissionais de enfermagem e um grupo focal. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados mediante estatísticas descritivas, e os qualitativos, usando o modelo teórico de Walt e Gilson. Resultados: Durante a pesquisa, foram analisados 18 documentos. Sete escolas de enfermagem, 141 profissionais de enfermagem e 10 atores-chave em cargos de liderança participaram do estudo. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de atualizar e divulgar o marco normativo, garantir recursos e estrutura para a implementação de programas intersetoriais e sustentáveis e capacitar os profissionais. A escola representa um espaço importante para a implementação de ações, contexto no qual a adoção da enfermagem escolar pode ser proveitosa. Os profissionais de enfermagem foram identificados como atores-chave na implementação dos programas e devem ser levados em consideração no desenvolvimento de políticas voltadas para esse público. Conclusões: Os profissionais de enfermagem estão envolvidos em vários estágios do processo de implementação de políticas e podem fazer aportes importantes para a saúde escolar no nível da atenção primária. Para isso, é necessário aumentar a capacitação dos profissionais e docentes de enfermagem em tópicos atuais e relevantes da atenção a adolescentes.

Int J Nurs Educ Scholarsh ; 21(1)2024 Jan 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38563612


BACKGROUND: Nurse educators' competencies play a crucial role in the educational quality of nurses. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate how Norwegian nurse educators self-rated their competence domains, and how these competencies were associated background variables. METHODS: The study was designed as a cross-sectional web-survey, and n=154 participated and filled out the Evaluation of Requirements of Nurse Teachers (ERNT) instrument. Educators' mean working experience was 12.9 years (SD 9.2); 86.3 % were permanently employed and 76.8 % had formal supervision training. RESULTS: The nurse educators rated their competence as good on all competence domains and single competence items, and ERNT total mean score was 4.62 (SD 0.28), with relationship with the students rated highest and personality factors rated lowest. The ERNT total mean score was significantly related to academic degree. CONCLUSIONS: Educational leaders in nursing education are recommended to establish a mentoring and supporting team for their educators.

Docentes de Enfermería , Tutoría , Humanos , Estudios Transversales , Escolaridad , Mentores
Nurs Inq ; : e12639, 2024 Apr 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38567694


Racism in nursing is multifaceted, ranging from internalized racism and interpersonal racism to institutional and systemic (or structural) elements that perpetuate inequities in the nursing profession. Employing the socio-ecological model, this study dissects the underlying challenges across various levels and proposes targeted mitigation strategies to foster an inclusive and equitable environment for nursing education. It advances clear, context-specific mitigation strategies to cultivate inclusivity and equity within nursing education. Effectively addressing racism within this context necessitates a tailored, multistakeholder approach, impacting nursing students, faculty, administration, professional organizations, and licensing and accrediting bodies. This all-encompassing strategy recognizes that the interplay of interpersonal dynamics, community culture, institutional policies, and broader societal structures intricately shapes individual experiences. Nurses, nurse leaders, educators, organizations, and policymakers can work together to create a more equitable and inclusive nursing profession by targeting each of these levels. This transformational process can yield positive outcomes across various environments where nurses learn, work, and serve people and enable the demographic composition of nurses to better match the populations served.

Ann Ig ; 2024 Apr 03.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38567704


Background: In recent years, the technology world has significantly shaped society. This study aims to survey the views of registered nurses with hospital working experience regarding the personal communication devices use impact in hospital units. The secondary outcome of this study was to identify differences in mobile device use based on demographic and organizational factors. Study design: Cross-sectional study by survey. Methods: The questionnaire comprises 22 items divided into four sections. Overall 778 questionnaires were included in the study, 329 questionnaires were collected on pen-and-paper, whereas 449 by an online survey. Results: Findings showed that smartphones have a different impact on performance, utilization and impact scale according to gender, age and educational attainment. Generally males using more frequently personal communication devices for non-workrelated activities affected negatively their working performance by respect to females. Moreover, younger nurses report being more distracted by using smartphones for non-work-related activities than older nurses. At the same time, younger nurses believe that smartphones may lead to an improvement in patient care skills. Nurses with fewer years of service (1 month - 10 years) report being more distracted by non-work-related activities on their smartphones than nurses with more years of service (>20 years). Conclusions: The smartphone is a potential distraction source. The most exposed groups are the younger nurses' and those with little work experience, and both groups (young age, less experience) can be considered factors for potential distraction.

J Adv Nurs ; 2024 Apr 01.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558162


AIM: To explore and compare the didactic approaches to practical skills learning at simulation centres in Scandinavian universities and university colleges. BACKGROUND: Academic simulation centres are an important arena for learning practical nursing skills which are essential to ensure competent performance regarding patient safety and quality of care. Knowledge of didactic approaches to enhance learning is essential in promoting the provision and retention of students' practical nursing skills. However, research on didactical approaches to practical nursing skills learning is lacking. DESIGN: A qualitative comparative design was used. METHODS: During November and December 2019, interviews were conducted with a total of 37 simulation centre directors or assistant directors, each of whom possessed in-depth knowledge of practical skills in teaching and learning. They represented bachelor nursing education in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. A qualitative deductive content analysis was conducted. RESULTS: The results revealed all five predetermined didactical components derived from the didactical relationship model. Twenty-two corresponding categories that described a variation in didactic approaches to practical skills learning in Scandinavian nursing simulation centres were identified. The didactical components of Learning process revealed mostly similarities, Setting mostly differences and Assessment showed only differences in didactic approaches. CONCLUSION: Although various didactic approaches were described across the countries, no common approach was found. Nursing educational institutions are encouraged to cooperate in developing a shared understanding of how didactic approaches can enhance practical skills learning. IMPLICATIONS FOR PROFESSION AND/OR PATIENT CARE: Cross-country comparisons of practical nursing skills learning in Scandinavian countries highlight the importance of educator awareness concerning the impact diverse didactic approaches may have on competent performance in nursing education. Competent performance is pivotal for ensuring patient safety and the provision of high-quality care. PATIENT OR PUBLIC CONTRIBUTION: No Patient or Public Contribution. REPORTING METHOD: This study followed the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research reporting guidelines.
